Getting CPU info using cpufetch on Raspberry Pi

cpufetch is a command line tool which shows a variety of CPU information such as processor name, microarchitecture, number of cores, etc.

This tutorial explains how to install cpufetch on Raspberry Pi.

Install cpufetch

Use SSH to connect to Raspberry Pi. Download cpufetch binary from the releases page in GitHub repository:

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/cpufetch

Next, we need to set execute permission:

sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/cpufetch

This means that the cpufetch command is available for all users as a system-wide command.

We can check version of cpufetch as follows:

cpufetch --version

Testing cpufetch

Run cpufetch command without any arguments:


This is what I saw

user@raspberrypi:~ $ cpufetch

 #################@@@@@@#################   SoC:                 Broadcom BCM2711
#################@@@@@@@@#################  Technology:          28nm
#################@@@@@@@@#################  Microarchitecture:   Cortex-A72
################@@@@##@@@@################  Max Frequency:       1.500 GHz
################@@@@##@@@@################  Cores:               4 cores
###############@@@@####@@@@###############  Features:            NEON,CRC32
 @@@@@@@@@@####@@@@####@@@@####@@@@@@@@@@   Peak Performance:    24.00 GFLOP/s


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