Home Code Connect a Raspberry Pi to a KY-034 7 color flashing LED

Connect a Raspberry Pi to a KY-034 7 color flashing LED

by shedboy71

In this article, we connect an KY-034 7 color flashing LED to a Raspberry Pi 4

The KY-034 7 color flashing LED module can emit a color sequence from the LED when power is supplied to it. The LED has 7 different colors and thus also all resulting mixed colors.

We will use Python for these examples

Working voltage 3V — 5V DC
LED model YB-3120B4PnYG-PM
LED type 5mm round head


The sensor looks like this

Parts Required

You can connect to the module using dupont style jumper wire. There is no reason this device will not work with any Raspberry Pi hardware that you have – in this example a Raspberry Pi 4 but you can use a Zero if you want a lower cost solution

Name   Link
Raspberry Pi 4
37 in one sensor kit
Connecting cables



Pin 18 S


Code Examples

Basic example in  thonny, running on the Raspberry Pi

import RPi. GPIO  as  GPIO
import time
GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BCM) 
# The input pin
LED_PIN = 24
GPIO.setup(LED_PIN, GPIO.OUT, initial= GPIO.LOW)
print ("Flashing LED test [press CTRL+C to end the test]")
# Main program loop
    while True:
        print("LED 4 seconds on")
        GPIO.output(LED_PIN,GPIO.HIGH) # LED is switched on
        time.sleep(4)  # Wait for 4 seconds
        print("LED 2 seconds off") 
        GPIO.output (LED_PIN,GPIO.LOW) # LED is switched off
        time.sleep (2)   # LED is switched off
# Tidying up after the program is finished
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    GPIO.cleanup ()


REPL Output






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